public class LinkedListMergeSort{
    // Node class
    static class Node{
        int val;
        // Pointer to its next node
        Node next;

        // Constructor
        Node(int val){
            this.val = val;

    // Function to print the list
    static void printList(Node head){
        // Iterating while head is not null.
        while (head != null){
            System.out.print(head.val + " ");
            head =;


    // Function to find the middle 
    // node of the linked list.
    static Node findMiddle(Node head){
        // Base condition.
        if (head == null)
            return head;
        // Slow and fast pointers to 
        // iterate over the list.
        // Fast pointer will take 2 steps
        // at a time while slow pointer will
        // take 1 step at a time.
        Node slow = head, fast = head;
        // Iterating while we have reached 
        // last or second last node of the list.
        while ( != null && != null){
            fast =;
            slow =;

        // Node pointed by the slow pointer is the middle
        // node of the list.
        return slow;

    // Function to merge two already sorted lists.
    static Node mergeSorted(Node left, Node right){
        // Base cases to check if either of
        // the list provided is empty.
        if (left == null)
            return right;
        if (right == null)
            return left;

        // Declaring the variable 'res' to hold
        // the result.
        Node res = null;

        // If left's val is smaller than or equal
        // to right's val.
        if (left.val <= right.val){
            // Assigning left to res.
            res = left;

            // Recurring for and 
            // assigning answer to
   = mergeSorted(, right);

        // Otherwise left's val is greater than
        // right's val.
        else {
            // Assigning right to res.
            res = right;

            // Recurring for and 
            // assigning answer to
   = mergeSorted(left,;

        // Returning the result.
        return res;
    // Function to sort the list.
    static Node mergeSort(Node head){
        // Base condition to check if the head
        // itself is null or the list consists of 
        // only a single node. 
        if (head == null || == null){
            return head;

        // Finding the middle node of the list.
        Node mid = findMiddle(head);

        // Finding the next node of the middle node.
        Node nextToMid =;

        // Breaking the list into two halves. = null;

        // Recurring for the left and the right
        // halves obtained.
        Node left = mergeSort(head);
        Node right = mergeSort(nextToMid);

        // Merging the already sorted left 
        // and right part of the linked list.
        Node res = mergeSorted(left, right);

        // Returning the result.
        return res;
    public static void main(String args[]){
        // Constructing the following linked list.
        // 4 --> 3 --> 2 --> 5 --> 1 --> null
        Node head = new Node(102); = new Node(46); = new Node(6); = new Node(67); = new Node(21);

        // Printing the list before sorting.
        System.out.println("List before sorting - ");

        // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        head = mergeSort(head);
        // long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // System.out.println("    Merge Sort: " + (end - start) + "ms");
        // timeInterval[1] = (end - start);

        // Calling the function to sort the list.
        // Printing the list after sorting. 
        System.out.println("List after sorting -");
|   public class LinkedListMergeSort{
|       // Node class
|       static class Node{
|           int val;
|           // Pointer to its next node
|           Node next;
|           // Constructor
|           Node(int val){
|               this.val = val;
|           }
|       }
|       // Function to print the list
|       static void printList(Node head){
|           // Iterating while head is not null.
|           while (head != null){
|               System.out.print(head.val + " ");
|               head =;
|           }
|           System.out.println();
|       }
|       // Function to find the middle 
|       // node of the linked list.
|       static Node findMiddle(Node head){
|           // Base condition.
|           if (head == null)
|               return head;
|           // Slow and fast pointers to 
|           // iterate over the list.
|           // Fast pointer will take 2 steps
|           // at a time while slow pointer will
|           // take 1 step at a time.
|           Node slow = head, fast = head;
|           // Iterating while we have reached 
|           // last or second last node of the list.
|           while ( != null && != null){
|               fast =;
|               slow =;
|           }
|           // Node pointed by the slow pointer is the middle
|           // node of the list.
|           return slow;
|       }
|       // Function to merge two already sorted lists.
|       static Node mergeSorted(Node left, Node right){
|           // Base cases to check if either of
|           // the list provided is empty.
|           if (left == null)
|               return right;
|           if (right == null)
|               return left;
|           // Declaring the variable 'res' to hold
|           // the result.
|           Node res = null;
|           // If left's val is smaller than or equal
|           // to right's val.
|           if (left.val <= right.val){
|               // Assigning left to res.
|               res = left;
|               // Recurring for and 
|               // assigning answer to
|      = mergeSorted(, right);
|           }
|           // Otherwise left's val is greater than
|           // right's val.
|           else {
|               // Assigning right to res.
|               res = right;
|               // Recurring for and 
|               // assigning answer to
|      = mergeSorted(left,;
|           }
|           // Returning the result.
|           return res;
|       }
|       // Function to sort the list.
|       static Node mergeSort(Node head){
|           // Base condition to check if the head
|           // itself is null or the list consists of 
|           // only a single node. 
|           if (head == null || == null){
|               return head;
|           }
|           // Finding the middle node of the list.
|           Node mid = findMiddle(head);
|           // Finding the next node of the middle node.
|           Node nextToMid =;
|           // Breaking the list into two halves.
|  = null;
|           // Recurring for the left and the right
|           // halves obtained.
|           Node left = mergeSort(head);
|           Node right = mergeSort(nextToMid);
|           // Merging the already sorted left 
|           // and right part of the linked list.
|           Node res = mergeSorted(left, right);
|           // Returning the result.
|           return res;
|       }
|       public static void main(String args[]){
|           // Constructing the following linked list.
|           // 4 --> 3 --> 2 --> 5 --> 1 --> null
|           Node head = new Node(102);
|  = new Node(46);
|  = new Node(6);
|  = new Node(67);
|  = new Node(21);
|           // Printing the list before sorting.
|           System.out.println("List before sorting - ");
|           printList(head);
|           long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
|           head = mergeSort(head);
|           long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
|           System.out.println("    Merge Sort: " + (end - start) + "ms");
|           timeInterval[1] = (end - start);
|           // Calling the function to sort the list.
|           // Printing the list after sorting. 
|           System.out.println("List after sorting -");
|           printList(head);
|       }
|   }
Unresolved dependencies:
   - variable timeInterval