Key Ideas from Video

  • We think life's circumstances matter a lot, but they don't matter as much as we think
    • people do not think as much as we do
    • things like where we live, and what job we have do not matter in our happiness levels
    • people who focus on having money are oftentimes not happy later when they do have money
    • what we predict is going to make us happy, doesn't usually make us happy
  • Taking control of our life is oftentimes much harder than we think
    • you can become happier, but it takes daily work and a lot of effort
    • "It may be obvious that to achieve anything substantial in life, a good deal of effort is required. Research reveals that if you want to achieve happiness, you will need to go about it in a similar way"
  • One of the hard you have to do when you begin this enterprise, is recognizing your intuition don't work
    • your mind is lying to you a lot of the time
    • we can forecast things that are going to make us happy, and usually it does not make us as happy as we assume
    • one example of this: money and salary
  • Make time for social connection
    • having a healthy mental health is very important
    • in order to do so, we should find time to have social connections with others
    • prioritize people that you care about in life
  • Always help others in any situation
    • helping others help us more than we expect
    • very happy people give their time to others (much more powerful that doing things for yourself)
    • for example: instead of spending money for themselves, give it to other people
  • Make time for gratitude
    • simple act of doing this is very powerful
    • think of the positives rather than focusing on the negatives of life
    • focus on the benefits (force yourself to do this --> will make you happier)
    • write down everyday everything you are grateful for
  • Healthy practices matter a lot more than we think
    • experiencing gratitude
    • be mindful in the moment (meditation)
    • taking time for sleep and exercise
  • It is very important to take time to be in the present moment
    • most of us have trouble with this because we do not have time to realize that we are here
    • we do not think of all the small details about where we are, we do not live in the moment

Gratitude List

  • family who loves and supports me
  • MILO
  • friends who are always willing to help
  • my health
  • food and water (basic necessities)
  • a home and a roof above my head
  • a good education
  • volleyball
  • my teammates who always support and encourage me
  • good weather
  • weekends
  • taking time to watch and experience sunsets
  • my overall life :)


  • try to focus more on the good in life, rather than what may not be going as well
  • spend more time on working on my mental health
  • taking care of myself both physically and mentally
  • continue to work hard towards my goals
  • do things that are out of my comfort zone
  • do more things to make me happy