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Home Week Zero Week One Week Two Python Project/Replit Create Task Test Corrections Study Plan Documentation

Create Task

Question 3A

i. Describes the overall purpose of the program
For the create task, I chose to write a program that would allow the user to find different statistics regarding the recent test scores of students in an AP Computer Science Principles Class. Based on the selection the user makes, the program can return the maximum score, the minimum score, the average of the scores, and the letter grade assigned to each student based on their score. The purpose of the program is to easily analyze the data in the list of students and find useful statistics regarding the students scores in the Computer Science class.

ii. Describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video
The video demonstrates the user inputting different options for finding the statistics of the AP Computer Science class scores. In the first iteration, the user inputs ‘1’ to calculate and display the minimum score. The user then proceeds to enter ‘2’ to calculate and display the maximum score in the class. In the third iteration, the user inputs ‘3’ to calculate the average score of the entire class. And finally, the user inputs ‘4’ which results in translating and displaying the letter grades for each student based on their score.

iii. Describes the input and output of the program demonstrated in the video
In the code, there is a menu, where the user can input their choice for which type of statistic they would want from the class data. The user is able to choose between finding the minimum, the maximum, the average score of the class, and finding the letter grades for each student. The output is the corresponding outcome for the choice they made in the menu. For example, if they choose the number 1, they will recieve the minimum of the class data, and if they choose number 4, then they will recieve the list of the names and the letter grade that corresponds with the score.

Question 3B

i. The first program code segment must show how data have been stored in the list.


ii. The second program code segment must show the data in the same list being used, such as creating new data from the existing data or accessing multiple elements in the list, as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose.

# Procedure to calculate the stats of the class scores def calculate_stats(option):
# The option is the user's choice for the type of stat they want to see for the class
# 1: Minimum, 2: Maximum, 3: Average
# Algorithm to calculate the minimum score
if option == 1:
    min = 100      # Initialize 'min' to maximum possible value --> 100
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record and find minimum
        if student[1] < min:
            min = student[1]
    print("Minimum Score in Class:", min)

# Algorithm to calculate the maximum score
elif option == 2:
    max = 0     # Initialize 'max' to minimum possible value --> 0
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record and find maximum
        if student[1] > max:
            max = student[1]
    print("Maximum Score in Class:", max)

# Algorithm to calculate the average score of the class
elif option == 3:
    sum = 0     # Initialize 'sum' of scores to 0
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record to find sum of all scores
        sum += student[1]
    average = sum/len(student_record)   # Find average by dividing 'sum' by number of students in student_records
    print("Average Score of Class:", average)

iii. Identifies the name of the list being used in this response

In this response, the name of the list being used is called student_record. In this list, it has the student name, along with their score they recieved on the last test. This information is used throughout the procedure to find the different statistics of the class.

iv. Describes what the data contained in the list represent in your program

The data in our list represents the student name and their score on the last test they had taken. This is a static list and does not change, and involves 10 different students and their scores. These values in the list are then used to find the stats of the class (minimum, maximum, average, and letter grade).

v. Explains how the selected list manages complexity in your program code by explaining why your program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if you did not use the list

The purpose of the program is to find the statistics of the class based on the raw data. This raw data comes from the list, where we can store the students name and their score. The use of lists allows the program to be scalable to any number of students in a class and requires no change to the algorithm and procedure itself. It would be very hard to write the program without a list or similar data structure, as it would require to change the algorithm if the class distrubution changed (example: class size changing). The current use of lists allows this program to be used irrespective of the any change to the data in the list. For instance, this program can be used for every test and also for every year even when the students are not the same.

Question 3C

i. The first program code segment must be a student-developed procedure that: □ Defines the procedure’s name and return type (if necessary) □ Contains and uses one or more parameters that have an effect on the functionality of the procedure □ Implements an algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration

# Procedure to calculate the stats of the class scores def calculate_stats(option):
# The option is the user's choice for the type of stat they want to see for the class
# 1: Minimum, 2: Maximum, 3: Average
# Algorithm to calculate the minimum score
if option == 1:
    min = 100      # Initialize 'min' to maximum possible value --> 100
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record and find minimum
        if student[1] < min:
            min = student[1]
    print("Minimum Score in Class:", min)

# Algorithm to calculate the maximum score
elif option == 2:
    max = 0     # Initialize 'max' to minimum possible value --> 0
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record and find maximum
        if student[1] > max:
            max = student[1]
    print("Maximum Score in Class:", max)

# Algorithm to calculate the average score of the class
elif option == 3:
    sum = 0     # Initialize 'sum' of scores to 0
    for student in student_record:  # Iterate over all of student_record to find sum of all scores
        sum += student[1]
    average = sum/len(student_record)   # Find average by dividing 'sum' by number of students in student_records
    print("Average Score of Class:", average)

ii. The second program code segment must show where your student-developed procedure is being called in your program.

Menu (List) for User Input

main_menu = [ [“Minimum Score”, calculate_stats], [“Maximum Score”, calculate_stats], [“Average Score”, calculate_stats], [“Assign Letter Grade”, assign_grade] ] # call the function from dictionary action = prompts.get(choice)[1] action(choice)

iii. Describes in general what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program

This procedure calculates the different statistics for the AP Computer Science class based on the user input and displays it on the console. This is the main functionality of the program. Within this procedure, there are algorithm blocks to calculate the different statistics. For example, if they choose option’1’, then the minimum, or the lowest score of the class will be shown.

iv. Explains in detailed steps how the algorithm implemented in the identified procedure works. Your explanation must be detailed enough for someone else to recreate it.

In the program and procedure, there are three different algorithms that each have a different function.

To find the average of the class, the algorithm iterates through the list and adds the scores of each student. It then takes the sum and divides it by the length of the list, which is the number of students. This results in the average score, which is displayed on the console.

To find the minimum score, the program initlializes the variable ‘min’ to the maximum possible score, which is 100. The code then iterates through all the students in student_record, and if the score of an individual is lower than ‘min’, it replaces the variable ‘min’ with that score and iterates through the rest of the students in the list. At the end of the iteration loop, the variable ‘min’ contains the lowest score in the class, which is then printed on the console.

To find the minimum score, the program initlializes the variable ‘max’ to the minimum possible score, which is 0. The code then iterates through all the students in student_record, and if the score of an individual is higher than ‘max’, it replaces the variable ‘max’ with that score and iterates through the rest of the students in the list. At the end of the iteration loop, the variable ‘max’ contains the highest score in the class, which is then printed on the console.

Question 3D

i. Describes two calls to the procedure identified in written response: Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. i. First Call: The first call is made when the user selects option 1 on the main menu. This translates to a call to the procedure calculate_stats (option=1). This results in the following segment of code in the procedure to be executed # Algorithm to calculate the minimum score if option == 1: min = 100 # Initialize ‘min’ to maximum possible value –> 100 for student in student_record: # Iterate over all of student_record and find minimum if student[1] < min: min = student[1] print(border) print(“Minimum Score in Class:”, min)

Second Call: The second call is made when the user selects option 2 on the main menu. This translates to a call to the procedure calculate_stats (option=2). This results in the following segment of code in the procedure to be executed # Algorithm to calculate the maximum score elif option == 2: max = 0 # Initialize ‘max’ to minimum possible value –> 0 for student in student_record: # Iterate over all of student_record and find maximum if student[1] > max: max = student[1] print(border) print(“Maximum Score in Class:”, max)

ii. Condition(s) tested by the first call option == 1 is the condition tested by the first call. If the condition is met, it runs the algorithm to find the minimum value.

Condition(s) tested by the second call: option == 2 is the condition tested by the second call. If the condition is met, it runs the algorithm to find the maximum value.

iii. Identifies the result of each call Result of the first call: The result of the call is that the algorithm that is used to compute the minimum score of the AP Computer Science class is run. The minimum score is then displayed for the user on the console.

Result of the first call: The result of the call is that the algorithm that is used to compute the maximum score of the AP Computer Science class is run. The maximum score is then displayed for the user on the console.