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5.5 TPT Questions

When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages

The tech-talk and the Collegeboard Videos cover some of the license types that are available for us to use in our individual and our team projects. Some of these types are the Creative Commons License, Open Source MIT, and the Open Source GPL License. The creative commons license allows people to use your work and also allows the creators and owners to clearly state what others can and cannot do with the work. The Open Source MIT license is a program that is free for anyone to use. During the tech talk, it was specified that it’s good for making and distributing closed source versions to others. Also, The Open Source GPL License is also an Open Source license. This type of license provides a lot of freedom to the owners and the people, but it still prevents the distribution of closed source versions.

Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why.

For our Team Project, we chose to use the GNU General Public License v3.0. We chose to use this for our Team Project due to the fact that it allows users to be flexible with what they can do, but they must also abide to the certain rules for no copyright. The GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee the users freedom to share and change all versions of a program–to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We wanted to do this because as we leave DNHS, we want to allow other students who are part of the GIDAS Club take over the website so it can be updated for usage.

5.6 TPT Questions

Describe PII you have seen on a project in CompSci Principles.

One PII that we have seen in our Computer Science Class is with the data we input in CRUD. The CRUD information that we enter (for example: phone number, email, name, etc.) could be a concern as it gets published to Google. Although we want those pieces of personal information to stay private, it does not and that may be an example to a PII that I have noticed on a project in Computer Science Principles.

What are your feelings about PII and your exposure?

Throughout our world where we use many social media platforms and multiple pieces of technology, I believe that PII is a greater concern now than before. With apps like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and more, many pieces of our personal information may be exposed, either on purpose or also there is a chance it could be an accident. Although I do not feel too exposed due to the fact I do not post on any of my accounts, I still feel there is a possibility with more hackers and social media platforms growing with stalkers.

Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.

A good password would be about 10 characters with a mix of symbols and characters. A weak password would consist of fewer than 10 characters with no symbols. One example of a bad password would be 123qwerty because many people have that password, so it is very common and easy to guess. One example that can be used to assist in authentication is ​​multi-factor authentication which often requires you to enter a code that has been texted or emailed to you to make sure that you are the one trying to login into the accounts. Other types of authentication are biometrics (fingerprint or facial recognition), which we can be seen used on our phones on a daily basis.

Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.

Symmetric encryption is when both the receiver and the sender have a private key. The secret key is used to both encrypt and encrypt electronic information. On the other hand, Asymmetric Encryption is when the sender’s key is public, but there is a private key that the receiver has in order to decrypt the message. This can be used to protect the information from unauthorized access of use from the outside people who do not need to see it.

Provide an example of encryption we used in deployment.

One example of encryption that we used in deployment was

Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.

Although I have not directly experienced a phishing scheme or attack, there have been many attempts of people who have either sent links on my messages or I have received voicemails where they tell me to call a certain number due to a problem they encountered in keeping my information safe. Although this is a stereotype, many of the older generations can fall for these schemes because they are unaware of the fact that there are hackers who want information. Some other phishing techniques involve fraudulent emails, voicemails, text messages, fake wifi spoofs, or popular website recreations.